Sunday, June 8, 2008


We started the certification classes to foster/adopt through the state last week as many of you already know. But the past few days I've found myself considering adopting an older child. I know right now our state alone as some 5,173 children waiting to be placed in a loving home. These children range from babies to older teenagers. I know that the chance of us getting a keeping a healthy baby is low. So I expanded my search criteria from under 3 to age 10. This increased the number of children I was looking at from 5 to 147. Out of that 147, we found 9 that we would like to find out more information on. There are 2 boys and 7 girls in that set ranging from a 5 year old up to a 9 year old. They all sound like really great kids, and only 1 of them sounds like he may have more problems than we are ready to take on right now. One of them loves cartoons and just spending time with her foster parents. One is an 3rd grade honor roll student that just wants a permanent home to call her own. One loves math and wants to be a doctor when she grows up. We really feel like we can make a difference in some child's life and that they are still young enough for us to do that.

Rob likes to mess with me and tell me that I'm window shopping for kids since I go to the Adopt Us Kids website at least once a week and just look around. I chose to potentially foster/adopt through the state because I didn't want to feel like I was buying someone's kid. I just can't wrap my mind around paying some lawyer or agency $12,000 to $30,000 to get a baby. Do you realize what I can do with that much money? There is no way it truly costs that much to handle an adoption. People are lining their pockets on the backs of other people and their desire to have a child. It just makes me sick to think about it. So while we continue to try to conceive another baby we will continue on this path towards adoption also. And just wait to see what God has planned for us next.


niobe said...

I am amazed that adoption is so expensive. Like you, I wonder why.

Lynda said...

Hi, we adopted an older child (14) from the system in Texas. It's not expensive at all - in fact, all our expenses were reimbursed by the state. I highly recommend adopting an older child and share info with you if you'd like. Once you finish your classes, then it gets tough! But, you can do it. Best wishes to you!

Lisa said...

If you live in the state of LA, please email me about any children you're looking at. K has been in several group homes and knows many of them well.