Sunday, March 30, 2008


Most people that are ttc, trying to conceive, understand what the 2WW is, and know that 7 dpo is just about the halfway point. To everyone else I am currently 7 days past ovulation and I have at least 7 more days to go before I can even think about taking a pregnancy test. This lovely time is referred to as the 2 week wait. This seems like it's the longest 2ww I've had in a long time. I try not to get my hopes up too much, but it's hard not to on your 1st medicated cycle. I just hope that the meds are all my body needed to get us a healthy baby. Every twinge, every headache, every food craving, every wave of nausea makes me wonder if we've been blessed this time. If we do get pregnant this cycle I will be due around December 20, but my doctor and I would be shooting for a Thanksgiving delivery. I would be over the moon if our home had a baby in it for the holidays. That would be so amazing.


Mindy said...

A Christmas baby would be PERFECT! Or, at the very least, a baby at home for Christmas, even if he/she was born near Thanksgiving! I'm so excited for you and I don't think I'll be able to hold back my enthusiam for WHOLE week...

Surprisingly, the wait everyone else goes through kills me more than my own 2ww's ever did. So, keep us in the loop (me mostly! LOL)

mesa said...

the 2WW sucks but at least you are 1/2 way thru! Lots of babydust to you Ash! xo

Patty said...

I have allllll my parts crossed for you! xoxoxoxo!

Maddie's Mom said...

Patty, you're insane and I love ya!