I tested yesterday morning and got a faint positive. I made Robert come and look at it too because I thought I was seeing things. We were so happy, but after trying for so long I wanted to verify it since it was a faint positive. I thought I would just go pick up a digital test and everything would be fine. With my last 2 pregnancies I've always used a digital at some point because it's so reassuring to see the word Pregnant on a screen. I've taken 3 more tests at various times since then, one being this morning and they have all been negative. I've never, ever gotten a false positive. It just shakes me to think that my body has started a new form of betrayal as if I didn't have enough shitty ass luck. Robert wants me to test once more in the morning to be sure before we throw in the towel completely. And I will call my doctor tomorrow to see about coming in for a beta blood test also. I think that if I was pregnant then it would have shown up on one of those tests by now, but I don't want to stop taking my progesterone until I know for certain that I'm not pregnant. I've been so down and so upset the past 2 days. I've been crying all day today. I'm so tired. I feel like such a failure in something that a woman is born to do. I wonder if Maddie was a fluke. We were blessed with her after only 3 months of trying. She was so beautiful. I miss her so much. I long to make my parents into grandparents again, and to give Rob's grandparents the great-grandchild they long for. Everyday that passes they are getting older and no one lives forever though I wish they could. I dream of having another baby, but sometimes I can see my dreams slipping away. My heart hurts so much.
Ashley- i hope the levels just aren't high enough yet. How overdue are you? If you aren't yet I still have hope! A line is a line but I have gotten a false posotive on a digital before!
I'm 3 days late at this point, but the only reason I'm late may be because of the progesterone that I'm on keeping AF away.
ugh.. sorry Ash.. If not this month hopefully that Jennifer is right!! When are you going to stop the progesterone? Do you have another doc appt or what?
I went in for a beta this afternoon, and I'll know the results tomorrow. So if it's negative, then I'll stop the progesterone and wait for AF to show then take it from there.
lots of luck to you Ashley ♥
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