Monday, January 26, 2009

I had a good birthday even though I wasn't looking forward to it. I kind of felt bad when I left work Friday because only 1 person remembered my birthday. But I got tons of well wishes on Saturday so I know that I wasn't forgotten. Squeak stayed with my parents that night, and they had a good time together. He even slept through the night for them. I'm glad he didn't give them a hard time. Rob took me shopping and let me wander through a couple of my favorite stores without bothering me to hurry up. It was nice. Then we ate at our favorite Mexican restaurant, and had a huge thing of yummy fajhitas with chicken, steak, mushrooms, olives, onions, bell peppers covered in cheese. Yum! I had 2 huge margaritas when got me nice and drunk. I can't remember the last time I got drunk. I know Rob had fun laughing at me. I enjoyed just letting my hair down after being so wound up for so long. I came home and crashed only to wake up at 3 in the morning wide awake. So I watched a couple of hours of TV before going back to bed to get more rest before church.

It took me a long time to decide what I wanted for my birthday. I would go back and forth between jewelry, clothes, and other random things. But I kept feeling like that really wasn't what I wanted. I wanted something more important than a new purse or a new outfit. I decided that I wanted to try Nutri*system. I'm so damn tired of being this fat. I've always been chubby or as I like to call myself, thick. But the last year or so it's just gotten out of hand. I look at pictures of myself when I got married, and I don't see myself. I see someone that's beautiful, but I don't feel beautiful at all now. I also think that my weight is really holding me back from getting pregant again. I know that people much heavier than me get pregnant everyday. But I don't think my body functions correctly at the weight that I am. I feel like God wants me healthier before I get pregnant that's why it's been almost 3 years since I was pregnant with Madison. I'm not getting any younger, and I'm determined to give birth again and this time bring my baby home in my arms. So after researching and talking with people I decided that the structure of Nutri*system is what I need to get back on track. So now I'm waiting on my order to show up from QVC since they had the best price for the plan I wanted to use.

It's time I go from:
Back to:
"Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph; a beginning, a struggle and a victory." Ghandi


Anonymous said...

Post how your weight loss's hard to believe commercials when they show all the women who have lost tons of weight, I'd rather hear it first hand!! Good luck to you!

Maddie's Mom said...

Thanks for the support. I will make sure to keep everyone posted.