Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Walking by Faith

This pregnancy I have been handling things a lot differently than I expected to, and even differently than I did when I was pregnant with Maddie. I expected to be paralyzed with fear the entire time, but I'm not. I've put everything into God's hands, and I have faith that he will bring us both through this safely. I've picked out her bedding, and I've ordered some furniture for her room. I'm working on the decorations also. Each day is a triumph and I will give God all the glory for this blessing. I look forward to the day that I will hold my daughter, and not have to let her go.

Walk By Faith - Jeremy Camp

Will I believe you when you say
Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say
Every moment of every day

Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me

Help me to RID my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With the one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do

yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, ya

well i will walk by faith
even when i cannot see
because this broken road
prepares your will for me

Well I'm broken- but I still see Your face
Well You've spoken- pouring Your words of grace

Saturday, April 24, 2010

We're having a ....

We had our gender ultrasound this past week, and God has blessed me with another daughter. I was beyond thrilled when the tech confirmed what I had been hoping the whole time. She was so hyper that the tech had a problem getting some of the measurements that she wanted to get so I will have another ultrasound probably in a few weeks. But she was able to measure and confirm the big things so that's great. Little girl is measuring almost 2 weeks ahead of the due date that my OB has down for me, and she's been this way since the beginning. OB won't change it because I will most likely deliver early. He would rather have a 8 pound "preemie" rather than move up my date and deliver the baby even earlier for no reason. I'm hoping that I can make it to 36 weeks, and my scheduled section date rather than have another emergency situation. I'm not worried about them not getting the measurements this time because I know that I've been getting very detailed ultrasounds from my high risk doctor, and I'll be back there this week for my 4 week appointment.

So now I'm back to shopping and researching, but now I can look at specific colors. I've started coming up with ideas for the nursery while working on Fuzzy's big boy room that he will move into in the next few weeks. Rob has the other bedroom painted and we're just waiting to get the floors installed so we can put the furniture where it needs to go. I'm hoping for an easy transition from the crib to the toddler bed. Keep your fingers crossed!

I've been feeling my little girl more and more the past 2 weeks which is wonderful. I'm slowly closing in on my next goal which is 24 weeks. I'm thankful that my OB is watching me very closely because I'm getting close to when things started going downhill the last time. So once I'm to 24 weeks my goals will become weekly. Each week that passes is getting me closer and closer to bringing home a healthy baby girl this summer.

I know I haven't been good about posting pics on here so here are a couple from last week. :)



Saturday, April 10, 2010


I know I'm behind responding to some comments that people left me when I was so upset and confused a couple of weeks ago. I didn't mean to ignore anyone, and I appreciate people's suggestions. You never know who will have the answer that you've been looking for. Jill, I'm not taking any type of injections at this time. My perinatologist put me on 65 mg of procardia once a day and a baby aspirin for my blood pressure and hopefully preclampsia prevention or at least delaying its onset as long as possible. I'm also on a low dose of glyburide for my diabetes. The last week I have been having wonderful blood pressure readings with no increase in medicines which is different than with my first pregnancy. When I was pregnant with Madison and my blood pressures when up the only thing that would lower them at all was more medicine. My medicine was being increased constantly, but it would only work for a little while. I'm praying that things remain good. My next goal is to make it past 24 weeks. And then on to the 3rd trimester.

Babs, I'll get in contact with you off the blog. Thanks for your help.

Our next chance to get a look at the baby's gender will be on the 19th. It seems like forever away, but I've got plenty on my plate at work to keep me busy and hopefully make the time pass quickly. Rob thinks we're having a boy because of the fact that the baby seems to have a bigger, more pronounced skull compared to Madison when she was several weeks older than this baby. Also this one is much more active and kickier. I'm still hoping and praying for a little girl. I've got a son to raise, and I would love to have that daughter to raise to.

Things are still up in the air about the house. The insurance adjuster was supposed to come by last Wednesday, but didn't show. He finally called and said he was him and his family was sick, and he should be by Monday afternoon. Hopefully we will be able to recoup some of of our lost money and move forward to getting our home back to a state of normalcy soon.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Home Again

Well, we are back in the house again after a week of living in a hotel and spending up money that we needed for other things. The company that was hired to dry the place out finished up Friday, but things were in horrible condition. We have no flooring left except for our tiny kitchen, laundry room, and computer room. The house was and is dirty as hell. It doesn't matter how many times I sweep I turn around and there's dirt and crap on the floor again. We ended up spending another couple of hundred dollars to have a clean out drain put in after arguing with the water company for a day. We were planning on having one put in, in the future for convenience of clearing drain clogs that may occur. But when the water company said that we had to put one in just because they wanted to use their own camera to see where the pipe problem was instead of using our plumber's camera, I was not taking that crap laying down. After a few loud conversations on the phone with the water company (and mentioning that we have an attorney), they agreed to use the plumber's camera. The sucking thing was that the plumber's camera could not get to where we needed to prove where the problem was. So unless we wanted to take the chance that we would be wrong and we would have to pay to have the street dug up to prove where the problem was we had to have the clean-out drain installed.

Today the water co came back out, and found the problem is actually still on our property. At this point I'm fine with this because I can finally see a light at the end of this horrible time. The insurance adjuster will come by Wednesday, and hopefully we can get to ordering our new flooring soon.

Another problem we discovered when we came home was that the dishwasher was no longer draining, and smelled like several dead bodies when we opened it after being gone for a week. The garbage disposal had died on us a few weeks ago, and now it was keeping the dishwasher from draining. Thank God that the plumber that's been helping us told Rob somethings to try before he came out that saved us some $$. Now the garbage disposal and the dishwasher are working again.

Well, I'm no longer on bed rest and my blood pressure is better. It's not as low as we would like, but it's borderline for now. I'm keeping track of my readings, and praying that my body doesn't give out on us again like last time. I had a follow-up visit today, and got another ultrasound. The baby is doing great, and kicking up a storm. We still haven't been able to determine the gender yet, but we have another ultrasound scheduled for 2 weeks from now. I'm praying that our little one will cooperate and show us the goods.