Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Happy, Happy News!!!!!!!!!

My friend, Maria and her husband, are in Guatemala right now getting ready to bring their son, Gabriel home!!!! He will be in his forever home tomorrow! They have been through so much that it just renews my hope to see them get their blessings that they truly deserve. Just thinking of them brings to mind one of my favorite scriptures.

"Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest." Psalm 126:5-6 NLT


mesa said...

Ashley- that is a beautiful passage. thank you for sharing that! I'm so excited for Maria and her new family now! I can't wait for them to get onto US soil tomorrow! How exciting!! I think you should come visit me and we'll take a road trip over to visit her!

Maddie's Mom said...

Hey Mesa, Rob and I have been talking about taking a trip this summer down there. It's my excuse to get to meet you and hopefully Maria too!

Greg & Maria Voss said...

You are so sweet, Ashley! Thank you so much for thinking of us. :) I would love to finally meet you since I was unable to make CMM this year. xoxoxo