Today we got the worst news possible. Fuzzy is going to leave us on Tuesday. His case worker, her supervisor, and the district supervior met earlier this week and decided that he has been in care too long. And his Bm hasn't done anything to him yet that would let the state terminate her rights. The fact that she puts him in danger all the time doesn't matter. He has to actually be physically hurt. The system is broken, and there isn't anything we can do to fix it. So they have moved court up from Dec. 6 to Nov. 17. They are recommending to the judge that he be returned immediately. No one cares about all of the evidence of her not taking care of him and riding him around on the interstate sitting in her lap. No one cares! I managed to hold myself together while his caseworker was here. I did tell her that I pray nothing happens to him. But if it does it's on her head. Rob and I took off this afternoon, and spent the day in the park just letting him play. We took lots of video and pictures. Tomorrow we're scheduled to take family portraits...our last pictures with our son. I'm trying to remember that this is all according to God's plan, and nothing will happen to him that God has not intended. But it still hurts so much. In 3 days, my son will be taken away from the only home he's ever known, and dropped into a horrible, horrible place. I pray he will overcome, and make something of himself.
I'm so sorry sweetie :-( You will all be in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that he is safe but that he somehow he comes back to you. He has been so lucky to be with you guys as long as he has, and this seems so terribly wrong and unfair. **hugs**
I don't have any words that would help but know that we are crying with you.
I am so so sorry Ashley. It is so unfair. I hate that your sweet son is not getting what is best for him. xoxox I will be praying for you all.
Kayla Cansler
Oh how my hearts reading this, sweetie. I am so very, very sorry. I will keep you and Rob in my prayers. May God hold you during this incredibly difficult time. Many, many hugs to you.
I am so so sorry. This is so unfair. I just want to scream.
tears are running down my face.. i cannot imagine they would send him back to her.I am so sorry..the system is broken and your son is going to suffer for it.
I am so sorry he is going back to that horrible woman. May prays will be said you him and for you guys. {{{hugs}}}
My God, no. No. What the HELL are these people thinking? My God. I am so sorry and am praying for you and your son.
OMG! I'm so sorry about this. I can't believe that people would even consider taking him out of a home that he's known and is loved more than gold itself. We pray for all of you.((Hugs))
I found your blog a few days ago and read it from start to finish. My heart hearts for you and your husband. I am a licensed foster parent but have not gotten a placement yet. Fuzzy's story is the reason I really hesitated before I got licensed. I really wanted to adopt internationally but I can't afford it. Just wondering how much more loss and pain you can handle. Isn't it time to look into other options? The thing that drew me to int'l adoption is the low risk. You are pretty much guaranteed to bring home a child once you are approved. I am so sorry you are having to do through this and my thoughts are with you.
I am so sorry for you, your family and especially your son.
I check in often, but don't comment nearly as often as I should. I am HEARTBROKEN for you all...many, many thoughts and prayers.
I am beyond words. I will EM you.
So very very sorry :(
Ashley (for some reason I called you Maddie last night when I originally posted- sorry about that- a little braindead yesterday)- I am so sorry to read that. Please know I am praying for you so hard tonight and will be praying for Fuzzy as well.
ashley, i don't know if you remember me from the boards a few years ago, but you have been in my thoughts a lot lately. this must be why.
lifting you up in my prayers. i'm so very, very sorry.
this news makes me want to vomit. i hate that this is panning out this way, and pray that he will come back to you somehow. has she met all of her goals? can you talk to fuzzy's lawyer to see if SOMEONE can advocate for him to stay with you?
you will be in my thoughts!
This is complete and utter BS - what a disservice they are doing to that child, taking him away from his true parents. I am so sorry Ashley. You, DH and Fuzzy will be in my prayers. I hope someone comes to their senses and he is returned to you VERY SOON.
I'm crying for all of you right now. I am so sorry that this is happening. You are all in my prayers...
I am just sick to my stomach!
I can not believe this precious child is being returned to that monster... she is no mother! She is a monster!
I'm praying for you, your husband and especially for Fuzzy!
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