Friday, March 18, 2011


We won't know anything on Fuzzy's case for another 2 weeks probably. Sat in court for several hours until they told us to leave because Fuzzy was getting really aggravated being locked in a waiting room that long. They were so behind they didn't call our case until 5:30 that evening. After all that the judge still didn't make a decision. I am beyond pissed off at this point. We need a resolution.

Fuzzy was attached to his BM the whole time again. He didn't want to come home with us and was mad when we took him away from her. I really wish I knew what was going through his head sometimes. I don't know what changed in the last couple of months that made him love being with her when he has hated being around her for the past 2 years.

1 comment:

Puddles Piles and Skid Marks said...

My family is kind of in the same boat your in exept our baby that we fostered for the first 10 months of her life (shes a year now) is in foster care in Florida. We moved to Texas in December and had her with us but the agency we fostered through bad some mistakes and due to that we had to give her up. Her TPR date is April 11 and the GAL is recomending that our family adopt her. If you would remember us in your prayers that would be awesome. We are lifting your family up as well.Congrats on your beautiful baby girl.