Sunday, September 27, 2009

Still running 90 MPH everyday. I have only had 1 relaxing day so far, and I'm 2 weeks into my 3 week leave. Tomorrow, Fuzzy has to go for a 2 day overnight visit. In order to keep me sane, Rob and I are going on a short trip. I can't bear to be in the house without Fuzzy. At least if I'm not here, I will only worry about him 95% of the time he's gone. I've been talking with an attorney that's friends with my brother about whether or not we should obtain legal representation. My brother is worried about us getting a lawyer because one of his friends is a social worker in TX, and she says that she has seen foster parents dropped for getting a lawyer. The department looks at it as you are working against them instead of being part of their team. I just don't know. I don't want to go to court in December and the judge ignore us or evidence never make it into the case, and Fuzzy gets shipped home. I want us to do everything in our power to make sure that his interests and safety and happiness are preserved. But I don't want things to backfire on us either.

One good thing is that my new med is still working good. My blood pressure has been staying in a great range. The chiropractic sessions are going good too. I don't think that I will continue going 3 times a week for much longer, but we will see. My health insurance only pays for 20 visits...humph

Well, gotta go the kids are finishing up dinner and I still need to finish packing everyone up.


Sig said...

You mentioned you had a CASA (or GAL)? She is your best advocate. Is she visiting you guys every month? She should be...She has to see that Fuzzy is best left there, from what you have told us. Make sure to tell her everything!
I have to shake my head yet again. To give the bmom more overnights is assinine, after last time.

Maddie's Mom said...

Fuzzy has a CASA person, but we have not seen her in months. She's been busy with work and her young child and been hospitalized a lot. We've talked with her supervisor a couple of times, and she is the one that sat in on our last family team conference. She actually knows this case and the BM's history very well.

Sig said...

Can you ask for someone else? We were told that as CASA's we would need to visit the child every month and keep on top of the case. (or the supervisor should be). I don't remember when your next court date is, but she should be there advocating strongly for termination, IMO. Be sure to keep on top of the CASA in a very nice way, of course, keep her in the loop. She is an important "weigh in" as far as the judge goes...

Maddie's Mom said...

I will get in touch with the CASA supervisor as soon as I can. I know that CASA recommended not giving the BM an extension on her time since she had already had 12 months to work her plan, and the judge completely ignored them. :(